It's practically a requirement for Australians to head out on a year long "O.E." (overseas experience) at some point during their college years. Their friends & families know they'll come back a more independent, more well-rounded person with an appreciation for other ways of life.
And it's not just students that need this time of discovery either. I think the idea of taking an extended break from work (a sabbatical) is also finally starting to gain some ground. A sabbatical is basically a rest from your career lasting anywhere from 2 months to a year. It's typically reserved for those in the academic professions, but I've heard that employers like Google have started implementing similar programs for their employees. Supposedly after 5 years or so with the company, you can take a few months of paid time off if you present a summary of your work during your time off. I applaud their foresight! Who among us couldn't use some time to reflect & recharge? You can see why a lot of employers don't do it- without good planning and the right mindset, it could be a huge waste of time at the company's expense, but why let those few slackers ruin a great thing? I'd even settle for an unpaid sabbatical with the promise that your job would be held for you when you return.
I have a friend about to embark on her own "sabbatical" of sorts and she's really struggling with how to explain it to her boss & colleagues without sounding immature or unsatisfied with her current position. Personally, I think that instead she'll be enhancing her career & bringing a whole new perspective to it. Especially in a design profession, like she and I share, she'll be able to glean all sorts of new sources for inspiration in her work, new experiences to draw from, and a chance to really cultivate her creative side. I think any good employer would recognize that, encourage her, and welcome her back with open arms, wishing all the while that they had the courage to go do it themselves.
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